E-mail: tuchao@wtu.edu.cn
2005.7-至今 武汉纺织大学 必威betway中文版 工作
2010.3-2013.6 苏州大学 硕士 纺织工程
2001.9-2005.6 武汉纺织大学 学士 轻化工程
[1] Li Cui. Jin-jing Hu. Wei Wang, Chao Yan, Yi Guo, Chao Tu*. (2020) Smart pH response flexible sensor based on calcium alginate fibers incorporated with natural dye for wound healing monitoring. Cellulose 27:6367–6381
[2] Chao Tu, Run-dong Zhang, Chao Yan, Yi Guo, Li Cui. (2019) A pH indicating carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan sponge for visual monitoring of wound healing. Cellulose 26:4541-4552.
[3] Chao Tu, Xing Cao, Run-dong Zhang, Da-wei Wang, Li Cui (2019) Effects of post-treatment on the properties of modified PLLA/PDLA fibers. Polymers for Advanced Technology 30:254-263.
[4] Chao Tu. (2015) Study about stability of cacao husk pigment and its dyeing properties on cotton. Key Engineering Materials 671:139-148.